An interviewer would expect you to know about the company you’re looking forward to join. It reflects on how serious you are about joining the place.

Do you have an answer?
Anticipate questions that will be asked. Some common ones like your strengths and weaknesses, where do you see yourself 5 years from now and what motivates you. Practice them and answer honestly.

Do you have any question?
An interview is not only about answering questions. Have a few of meaningful questions of your own. Just like your answers, you can impress with your questions too.

How do I look?
The right appearance can make or break it for you. It gives the first and last impression. So dress for the occasion, look prim and proper and pay attention to your shoes. Along with your attire, make sure you look fresh and vibrant. Give your hair a proper cut and comb it neatly. Girls can tie it neatly in a bun or a plait. Don’t look as if you’ve had a bad night’s sleep.

Be on time and keep calm
Show that you’re punctual by being on time for the interview. Or even before time. It will not only send across the right message, it will also help you to catch your breath and stay calm before the big moment arrives.
