DoWellLifeScience has a structured Quality Management System (QMS).

Quality Managements System is dedicated to the development of process, manufacturing and distribution of products to guarantee safety, efficacy and compliance of customer and government regulations. It comprises of resource management, employee training, quality and compliance data. DoWellLifeScience’s quality responsibility is to ensure the achievement of adopted quality standards.

Total Quality Management is committed to customer satisfaction through an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training. It involves continual improvement of organizational processes resulting in high quality products and services.

Corporate Quality provides the necessary resources, technical guidance and training to ensure quality operation. It regularly upgrades skills and competence levels in various functions by introducing advance systems and technology.

Our Key Quality system includes:

  • Production system

  • Facilities and equipment system

  • Laboratory control system

  • Materials system

  • Packing and labeling

  • Distribution system

Good Distribution Practices is the Key to delivering products to the patients and consumers. Finished goods storage facilities have adequate controls as per product storage requirement and security.

Quality Policy :

To Manufacture :   World-class pharmaceutical formulations.

To Satisfy :   Needs and expectations of customers.

To Ensure :   Employee involvement.

To Build :   Quality at each and every level.

To Assure :   Commitment to safety.

To Invest In :   Continuous improvement.

Distribution is an important activity in the integrated supply chain management of pharmaceutical products. To maintain the original quality of pharmaceutical products and integrity of distribution chain, DoWellLifeScience complies with applicable legislation and regulations, and strictly adheres to “Good Distribution Practices” & “Good Storage Practices”.